Photo Galleries
Here are all the pictures I (or others) have scanned so far. If
you have any questions, comments, stories, or pictures of your own you want to
submit, please send an email to
For submitted pictures, I prefer high resolution, lossless pictures, e.g.,
150-300 DPI .BMP or .TIF (compressed).
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Grubb Photo Gallery
Collection of photos submitted by Margery Godsey Grubb, Includes photos
of the Godseys (as can be seen), the Grubbs, and some friends
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Patricia Straka (Grubb) Photo Gallery
Collection of photos submitted by Patricia Straka, Includes some
amazing photos
of Grubbs and Parrys
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Rick Crume Photo Gallery
Collection of photos submitted by Rick Crume, Includes some
great photos of Parrys, Morgans, and Jones (even some of the houses from
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